There’s a long tradition in organizing several events in Vratnica.
These are the regular yearly Vratnica events:


06.01. Badnik and Christmas Celebration
Celebration with big fire in the center of Vratnica, at Badnik, the evening before Christmas holiday.

13.01. Vasilica
Traditional custom: the male citizens of Vratnica go from house to house, and collect food/groceries and drinks. During the trip they sing joyful songs.
The Vasilica lunch is usually the first following weekend.

19.01. Vodici (Vodokrst)
Religious custom at “St. Petka” church in Vratnica, and later near Vratnica river – Rakita.


14.02. St. Tripun (Sveti Trifun)
Custom related to grapevine and fruit trees.


Lazarici Holiday
Young girls wearing traditional clothing go from house to house, and collect eggs.
Lazarici holiday (also called Lazar’s Saturday (Lazareva Sabota)) is always the Saturday before Easter.

Easter (Veligden)
Religious custom at “St. Petka” church, the evening before Easter.
Usually in April.


01.05. Traditional Mayday Tournament “VRATNICA”
One of the biggest sport events in the Polog region. The tournament includes soccer and streetball (basketball) competition. In the past handball was also played.
Location: sports fields of “Simche Nastovski” primary school, Vratnica.

02.05. Vuklevo Celebration
Big fire, music and celebration at the location called Vuklevo, above Vratnica.
Few decades back, the celebration was organized at 2nd of May, but lately the event was at the evening of May 1st.
However, at the recent few years the celebration was on hold.

02.05. Picnic at 2nd of May
Traditional picnic near the Vratnica motel and Rakita river.
Many people from Polog region visit Vratnica at this day.
In the last few years the picnickers are also dispersed at other Vratnica locations (Vratnica Lake at Golina, etc), but also the near villages (Belovishte, Staro Selo and Rogachevo).

06.05. Djurdjovden
Every 6th of May.


03.06. Kostanovden (Sts. Constantine and Helen)
Vratnica Slava, feast for the patron saint.
Religious custom at “St. Petka” church in Vratnica, and celebration at “Emperor Constantine and Empress Helena” monastery (Chestodubje, 1,5 km below Vratnica).


24.07. Vratnica Meeting
Vratnica Meeting (Vratnichka Sredba) is annual event at the center of Vratnica, organized by several Vratnica associations.
Its aim is to celebrate the life in Vratnica that last for centuries, following the steps of the patron Sts. Constantine and Helena.


02.08. Ilinden
Celebration of Ilinden holiday at Ljuboten mountain house, Ljuboten (mountain peak) and Livadica Lake (Shtrpce Lake), Shar Mountain (Sar Planina).


11.10. Huntings Meeting
Traditional hunting meeting of “Ljuboten” Hunting Association at locations within and near Vratnica area.
At this day officially starts the hunting season.

20.10. Simche Nastovski primary school holiday (patronat)
Traditional show at the school’s lobby.
Visit of the monuments in Vratnica area dedicated to the fighters (victims) at World War II.

    Vratnica United is website dedicated to Vratnica (beautiful place in the foothills of magnificent mountain peak Ljuboten, northwestern Macedonia) and its people.
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