The project is conceived, designed and maintained by Sashe Antic.
In other words, Sase is the website’s webmaster.

At the ‘About Page‘ you had a chance to read about his inspiration to build the site.
Also, he explained the aim of Vratnica United, what it can offer to the regular visitors, but also total strangers.

The journey of internet presentation of Vratnica started at autumn 2001, when Sashe published website.
That was stimulus for him, but also others, to create more sites dedicated to the beloved Vratnica.
At the end of the 2000s, Sashe decided to go further, and launched

He wants to thanks to all wonderful people out there who supported him in development of Vratnica United website, but also other of his Vratnica related online projects through the years.

VRATNICA is, and forever will be in Sashe’s heart.

Vratnica United – Open Project is open project.
Any citizen of Vratnica (in Macedonia or around the world), any friend of this beautiful place, can contribute in website’s development.
You can send photos, stories, interesting info,… anything related to Vratnica and its surroundings – and you think can fit at the pages of the site.

If you have any comment, suggestion, note,… about this website, please don’t hesitate to contact Sase.
He appreciate all your opinions, and will try to answer your letters as soon as he can.

Sase Antic at Golina vineyard (near Golina Lake, below Vratnica). Northeastern part of Shar Mountain and mountain peak Ljuboten in the background.

Sase Antic at Golina vineyard (near Golina Lake, below Vratnica). Northeastern part of Shar Mountain and mountain peak Ljuboten in the background.

Get In Touch With Sase Antic

You can contact Sase via:
– E-mail: saseantic [at] gmail [dot] com
– Phone (mobile/cell): +389.70.656.306
– Twitter: @AlexForce + @SaseAntic
– Facebook: Alex De La Force
– Skype: alexforce
– Websites: +

Post Address:
Sase Antic
Simce Nastovski 22
1225 Vratnica
Republic of Macedonia, Europe

Of course, you can always use our contact form.

    Vratnica United is website dedicated to Vratnica (beautiful place in the foothills of magnificent mountain peak Ljuboten, northwestern Macedonia) and its people.
    Info, photos, news, events, lifestyle, and more interesting stuff related to Vratnica.

    Vratnica United - Bringing Vratnica People Together
    Vratnica United - Bringing Vratnica People Together (Вратница Јунајтед)

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